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4 Reasons to take NMN

NAD or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide to give it its full name is present in nearly all of our living cells, NAD+ is essential for sustaining life. Unfortunately our NAD levels decline radically with age; this creates an energy deficit that decreases our body’s ability to maintain effective biological functions.

NAD is biologically unstable, which makes it unsuitable for oral supplementation. Fortunately, it is easy to restore our cellular NAD levels using Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), which converts to NAD when it is in the cell. But there are many other are many reasons to take NMN.

where to buy NMN

Where to buy NMN; 3 things to evaluate

There are so many faceless NMN suppliers now flooding the marketplace with NMN supplements. What can you do to separate the wheat from the chaff so you can evaluate where to buy NMN?

The bottom line is that the NMN suppliers just want your money and they will use all the marketing techniques at their disposal to separate you from your hard-earned cash, but that is normal, they are not breaking the law and nobody goes into business to lose money. As an informed buyer you need to be looking for the things they are ‘not saying’ and the certificates they are ‘not posting’ on their website or Amazon page.

NMN; 3 things that convinced me

It’s not a midlife crisis and I am not looking for the fountain of youth, we are all getting older and we are all going to die; taking Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) may not make me immortal, but research has shown that it may improve my quality of life and extend my health-span.

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Why I am taking NMN; 3 reasons

On the 7th of April 2019 I ordered two bottles of NMN from Amazon. My 55th birthday was on the 22nd of April 2019 and I started my NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) Experiment on that day.

What is NMN? 3 ways it can help you!

So, what is NMN and what does it do? NMN is made from B vitamins and as a molecule that naturally occurs in all life forms. NMN is a direct pre-cursor to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD).