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How to Raise NAD; 3 Proven Ways

How to raise NAD


How to Raise NAD

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) has many functions and unfortunately its levels decrease with age, NAD has two general sets of reactions in the human body they are that:

  • It helps turn nutrients, essentially our food, into the type of fuel that our body can actually use, and
  • It also works as an aide molecule for proteins that regulate other vital cellular functions

NAD decreases with age, how to raise NAD levels?

How to Raise NAD

Our NAD levels degrease with age, unfortunately NAD is a vital monocle that is found in every cell of our body, so how to raise NAD levels?

On the simple diagram above, you can see NAD levels on the left and our age along the bottom. You can see the blue line shows that as we age our NAD levels drop, by the age of 50 we have half the levels that we did in our youth.

So, how to Raise NAD, these three things will boost NAD levels:

  • Exercise, raises NAD levels, some say that vigorous exercise such as HIIT is the best
  • NAD Boosters, such as NR and NMN
  • Diet, so calorie restriction and fasting (as David Sinclair says go hungry often)

But how to Raise NAD using our diet? Well, food that contains apigenin and quercetin have been shown to inhibit or obstruct or hinder CD38 activity. What is CD38? CD38 is and NAD ace, which is a protein that degrades or reduces our NAD levels.

You can see on the diagram above that CD38 levels rise with age, which is one reason that has been offered for why our NAD may decline.

So, you can see how important NAD is; it resides in very cell in our body and therefore affects the correct operation of the vital organs listed on the right of the diagram above, there are obviously a lot more. So, how to Raise NAD levels is a question that everyone should ask themselves as they get older.

inhibit CD38 & raise NAD levels

How to Raise NAD

You can see in the top graph (in the diagram above, on the left) how as apigenin increases the CD38 cellular activity decreases, and in the bottom graph you can see how as quercetin increases the CD38 cellular activity also decreases.

This is important because as CD38 decreases NAD levels increase.

You can see here on the top of graph (in the diagram on the right) how with apigenin, NAD levels increase about 50% (the white bar) and in the lower graph for quercetin how they don’t rise as much, but it is still a significant shift.

How to Raise NAD, one way is to inhibit CD38.

what food is high in apigenin?

How to Raise NAD

So, how can we get more apigenin into our bodies to inhibit CD38?

Some food does contain Apigenin, above is a list the most common foods, although there are more; it is nice to see beer and red wine on the list, and it has been said that dried forms of these compounds allow for better bioavailability.

How to Raise NAD, one way is to inhibit CD38 by eating Apigenin rich foods.

what foods are high in quercetin?

How to Raise NAD

Shown above are some of the foods that contain Quercetin, although Quercetin raises NAD slightly less that apigenin, these foods seem to the type that would be easy to introduce into your diet.

How to Raise NAD, one way is to inhibit CD38 by also eating foods that contain Quercetin.

what supplements raise NAD?

How to Raise NAD

How to Raise NAD with supplements? This can be a two-pronged attack, increase NAD and reduce CD38, but how can we do it?

NAD Boosters such as NR or NMN, may up our NAD levels, numerous studies have shown that NMN does raise cellular NAD levels.

CD38 inhibitors work the opposite way by blocking CD38, so our NAD levels should not be depleted as much. Quercetin can be used, the most common dose is 500 mg per day, but some people take up to 1,000 mg per day. Quercetin supplements may also include other substances, such as vitamin C, which may help the body absorb the quercetin more effectively.

Apigenin, for anxiolytic effects, doses in the range of 3-10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of bodyweight are effective without sedation; higher doses induce sedation in addition to reductions in anxiety.

An analogy I like to use is that NAD is your right foot on the accelerator pedal and CD38 is your left foot is on the brake. When we are young, we are only pressing with the right foot and getting lots of NAD and energy, as we age not only do we take our right foot of the accelerator pedal, but we start to press the brake with our left CD38 foot.

By taking an NAD Booster like NMN and a CD38 inhibitor that contains Quercetin and/or Apigenin, we can go back to only using plenty of gas and less brake.  

links to quercetin & apigenin products

How to Raise NAD

How to Raise NAD with supplements, where can you buy quality NAD boosting supplements?

There are many suppliers that will sell you NAD Boosters and CD38 inhibitors, below are links to suppliers that I consider to be reputable. If you order from these suppliers, they will also give you a 10% discount if you use the code: MYNMN at the checkout:


How to Raise NAD

At present I boost my NAD by taking 1.5 grams of NMN a day, this is first thing I the morning. I attempt to suppress CD38 by taking 1 gram of dried parsley a day, this is mixed into my yogurt, which I eat at around 8pm every night.

Unfortunately, I had to close the comments’ section on the Blog because of spammers, more than fifty a day!

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section of this video. You will also find links to all the studies referenced in this Blog.